Hello from the world of snow. We've had a ton of snow and ice. Our record so far this winter has been 22" in 24 hours. I love to see the trees covered in snow and all crystallized looking. So I am staying home and sewing and planning new quilts. I also got the cleaning bug, so I have been staying up late and going through boxes and cleaning out drawers. School is still out so kids are getting restless because it's just to stinking cold to be outside. I'm looking forward to the new year and what fun lies ahead. Be careful and safe as you celebrate. Blog to you soon. Until then be happy, life is a blessing.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings. Thank you for all the comments and encouragement that ya'll have given me over the last year. May you have a wonderful Christmas, while enjoying family and friends. I look froward to the new year and what lies ahead. May all your Christmas be merry, bright and full of the holiday spirit.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sassafras made by Krista

It's Sassafras! How cute is this??!! This was made by Krista, her very first quilt. She did a awesome job. She used the fabric line "Park Avenue" by Moda. Instead of blanket stitching around the flowers, she stitched 1/4 inch from the raw edge, that way when the quilt is washed, the edges will fray up a bit and add a nice soft touch to the quilt. I LOVE it!!! And of course Brandie did the quilting, which is always wonderful.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Let it Snow..
Saturday, December 11, 2010
My new look...
Don't think you're in the wrong place...Hey there, it's me.. really! I changed things up a bit. Tell me what ya'll think. I need to get a new logo too, and this blog template inspired me, so I started here changing my blog. I hope you like it. I love it!! My logo is coming next. I should be sewing since I have a ton to do, but I thought well, I'll take a minute and do this. It's so much more cheery then the one I had before and right now with all this cold weather, cheery is good. Back to work. Have a fabulous weekend. Life is wonderful!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Good Morning

Chatterbox is the pick for $5 Friday. Go to my Etsy shop and buy. I would love to see what ya'll do with this pattern, so send me a photo when you're done so I can post it. Remember, the "On the Farm" sale is going go on until Dec 17. Don't wait too long or all the kits will be gone! Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy this wonderful holiday season. Life is great!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
This little piggy is going to Market!!!
WoooHoo! I'm going to International Quilt Market in May 2011. Can you believe it!! I'm so excited I can't stand it. May will be here before I know it, there is so much to do to get ready. Luckily I have a great friend , Emily from Crazy Old Ladies, that is putting up with my billion and one questions. It's hard to sleep at night because I have so many ideas popping around in my head, like which new patterns do I do? what should my booth decoration look like? What am I going to make for dinner tomorrow? You know things like that. CRAZY!! I will tell you that I'm going to use the new line of fabric by Deb Strain called Fresh Flowers for a main part of my quilts at market. The line is absolutely awesome. To see it go to the Moda website and view the new fabrics coming in January.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Free Pattern.....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Valentines Day !?!

Monday, November 22, 2010
A Happy Thanksgiving to all..
Well, we're starting the week with a bang! We are under a blizzard warning starting in the morning. So we might have a white Thanksgiving. That's OK I love snow. It's great to sew and bake when it's snowing outside. So, I hope to do some baking and sewing before the weekend hits. Then enjoy my family and reflect on all the wonderful blessing that I have. With that, I wish you all the best for this week, please be safe when you travel and enjoy family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Free Pattern...
Welcome to another Black Friday sale. This weekend will be - Buy any 2 patterns and get the third for free!! So, this is how it's going to work. You go to my Etsy Shop and buy any 2 patterns. Then you email me telling me which free pattern that you want. I ship all three patterns to you for the price of two. There you have it for this time. I hope ya'll have a great weekend and enjoy the up coming Thanksgiving week. Keep sewing...life is wonderful
Friday, November 12, 2010
Black Friday Sale
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
"On the Farm" kits are here!
Hey there everyone, "On the Farm" quiet book patterns and kits are now available on my Etsy shop. I'm so excited to have them done and ready for sale. These shops have kits too if you are close to them; Gracie Lou's Quilt Shoppe in Salem, UT and Prairie Point Junction in Cozad, NB. Buy them while their hot off the cutting board. Great gifts for those little hands in your life. "On the Farm" is the first in the quiet book collection, yes, I'm going to do others!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sale, Sale, Sale!!!!
Hey don't miss out on the sales for the month. Starting this Friday Nov 12, there will be multiple patterns on sale each week until Nov 26 (Black Friday). The sale will go from Friday thru Monday only. Don't miss out on this sweet deal. There will be special deals each week too, maybe even free patterns!! More details to come.. For now keep sewing and be happy. FYI: I am hoping to post my new Valentine quilt very soon. It's going to the quilters tomorrow. Yeah! Until next time, happy fall ya'll!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday at last
Ribbon Candy is the choice this week for $5 Friday. Jelly roll friendly and easy to make. I think I like fast and easy projects, that way I can do more!! I hope you all have a great weekend and get lots of sewing done. If this pattern is not the one you've been waiting for, be patient yours will come up soon. Happy Fall.!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just released!!!

I'm just so excited to have this released. "On the Farm" is here. Watch for it in shops near you. As always I have another one in the works. We'll see if it happens before Christmas. There are a few other things on the list first.
I hope ya'll had a great Halloween. Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving. Wow the year has gone by so fast! Enjoy your day and just keep sewing...
Friday, October 29, 2010
I forgot it's Friday...
Oh my gosh! I was working on my newest quilt when I realized it was Friday. With the kids on a school break it totally throws me off. Sorry the post is later today. So this weeks pick for $5 Friday is "Park Avenue". This one is jelly roll friendly and quick to make. So get it while the getting's hot! The sale will only last a few days. Have a great weekend and a safe Halloween!!! Happy sewing....
Friday, October 22, 2010
Happy Friday!
It's $5 Friday once again. This weeks pick is the Seasonal Skinnies 5 pattern. It will be on sale only until Monday, so don't wait too long to buy. Halloween is just around the corner, so this one is a quick wallhhanging to make as a "treat" for a friend of for yourself. Until next time, have a great weekend! Just keep sewing, life is good
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
On the down side
Hey there ya'll. We're on the down side of the week already. I just thought I would let ya'll know that I will be releasing the "On the Farm" pattern very, very soon. I have had request for it and decided to publish the pattern. I'm so excited !! There is another one in the works too. Keep on sewing and be happy, life is good!
Friday, October 15, 2010
$5 Friday has Lost Marbles...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Happy Fall-
It's the middle of the month already and I can't believe it. The year is just slipping by. Life has been insane. Halloween costumes are still not done, but they will be done by Saturday, I hope! The weather is getting cooler and I've gotten out the winter clothes. I LOVE this time of year, crazy with holidays and everything. The fall colors on our mountain are beautiful with all the oranges, yellows, and reds. I want to go out and buy more fall fabrics, but I don't have room for them, I may have to rent a space. Got to go sew. Keep in touch and watch for $5 Friday.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday is here...

Good morning to ya'll. Let's start the weekend right with a good sale. Christmas Sox is the $5 Friday pick for this week. It's a great quilt to use up scraps that you have from other Christmas projects, or go and buy one of the new lines that are out and have a ball. I'm not quilting today, I'm buying fabric for Halloween costumes. It's creeping around the corner quick. Well, have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Farm Quiet Book
Oh my gosh!!! Is this the cutest thing ever??!! Sorry that wasn't so humble. I do have to say I did a pretty good job designing and making it. Don't you think?? I used a pair of old jeans for the base pages and wool felt for the letters. Scraps were used through out the whole book too. Each page has a different sensory item to feel. Take a look and tell me what you think.
The cow has button nostrils, I told you I love buttons. He also has a ribbon tail that has a knot on the end and a bell around his neck.
The sheep, I used a chenille fabric for a different feel.
The pig is made from a scrap of minkee fabric and she also has a ribbon tail, but don't you love the button nose!!
My horse has a rick-rack mane and a ribbon bridle. Adding a large piece of rick-rack, which I love too, was fun.
Spot the dog, has wool felt floppy ears so the kids
can lift them up. He is made out of wool felt too.
The sleepy owl is sitting on a pipe cleaner branch.
I took one chenille stick and twisted it to the size I needed and then tucked in the ends so there are no sharp edges. I used embroidery floss to hand sew this in place. It looks like the owls claws holding the branch.
Finger puppets are a must for a quiet book. The three little chicks come out of the nest so the kids can pretend they are flying. That's the Farm Quiet book I hope you like it. Let me know.....
Color Quiet Book
Here's the Color Quiet book I made. I LOVE IT!! It as so much fun to use scraps of fabrics, trims, ribbon and buttons, I love buttons! I use buttons on almost all my scrapbook pages too. Anyway back on track. I used wool felt for the letters. I also zig-zagged around everything so any little hands that play with it won't rip things off. I tried to find trim that was different textures for added fun. On each page I used different shapes to help with shapes recognition too. All in all it was a very fun project and I hope you like it too.

Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday again!??

Here is the $5 Friday pick. Twist and Turn uses fat quarters or long quarters. It comes in two sizes and is supper easy to make. I have made 4 different ones. You can have this one done in an afternoon. This one will only be on sale until Monday, so but fast if you want it. Have a great weekend and happy sewing.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Pattern for Gone to Pieces
I forgot to tell ya'll that the patterns for Gone to Pieces quilt, can be found at Gracie Lou's in Salem and also Stitching it Up in Cedar City. I won't be posting them on my Etsy shop yet. I'll let you know. Thanks for asking.
Material Girls..
Material Girls in South Jordan now carries my patterns! I was so excited to be able to meet with them and visit with Nadine. They have a great shop and so much to see. You can find just about anything you need to quilt, stitch or make a wool felt project. Thanks for letting Ribbon Candy be part of your store.
Not sewing, but canning
Hey, out there! It's canning season. I have been making peach jam and loving it on my husband famous french toast. Salsa and pear jelly is next on the list. I canned so much fruit last year (245 quarts, 75 pints) that I don't have to much to do this year. Now I have more time to sew, which I can't wait to get in my sewing room and go crazy. Until next time, happy sewing!
Friday, September 24, 2010
$5 Friday already..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Gone to Pieces..

Since I saw this fabric I had to do this quilt. I had the drawing in mind and I was waiting for the perfect fabric. Well, here it is, "Gone to Pieces". I tell you I couldn't sew fast enough to get it done. I love this quilt!!!! It's a great quilt for charm packs and layer cakes. I can't wait to make it again in some fun bright fabrics, or use my collection of Christmas fabrics. In fact I believe anything fabric you love would work. How fun would it be to make it all scrappy. Tell me what you think. Today I'm working on a snowman quilt...and can't wait to show you this too. Until next time, happy sewing and enjoy the fall.
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's Five Dollar Friday....

Sassafras is on sale this week for "Five Dollar Friday". Each Friday I will chose a pattern to go on sale for $5, for a limited time only. Every Friday a different pattern will go on sale. So check out my Etsy shop and see. Thanks to the quilting bee group, "Piece Makers" for letting me come to their meeting last night and show all of my quilts. It was lots of fun to see all the cool stuff they have done. The "Brown Bag" quilts were great! What a fun way to use your scraps. Well, I off to clean my house and then start sewing. Until next time, have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hello out there!
Boy, has time gone by fast!!! Pure is finally here! Yippe! Since I saw the charm pack a while ago, I had to make a quilt out of that line. The fabric finally came and I had the quilt done in an afternoon. I love it and can't wait to show you. It needs to be quilted and then posted. Keep an eye out for this one. Just to let you know, I am teaching classes at Cotton Shop on Provo this month. Sept 23, from 5p-7p for the Halloween Skinnies and Sept 30 from 10a-1p for Bloomin'. Come and join us if you can. Sign ups are at Cotton Shop. Hope ya'll are happy and sewing, until next time.....Watch for Five Dollar Fridays coming soon.....
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Back to school!!!
Sale, Sale, Sale!!! Don't miss this opportunity. My Etsy shop is having a "Back to School" sale. Starts today and ends on Sept 11. Now that kids are in school, we have a little more time to sew, yippee! School has started and the homework has begun. I hope ya'll have survived. It's been pretty crazy here getting ready. But I love this time of year when it starts to get cooler. It's more fun to be outside when your not melting. Oh, by the way Fat Quarter Shop now has two of my current patterns, Bloomin' and Chatterbox. Jessi, Chatterbox is 64" x 78".
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What do ya'll think?? This was such a fun quilt to make and I love the colors. I was up at 6:30 in the morning to go buy this fabric. Corn Wagon Quilt Co, had a PJ day sale, so of course I was there with a whole lot of other crazy quilters. It was great. I just love quilting!!! This quilt was a little out of the box for me. It was fun to design and more fun when it was done. It finishes 64"x78", so it's great for a huge throw.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Times Up!
And the winner is..... Lisa!!! She gets Seasonal Skinnies 1. Lisa, please email me your address so I can ship your pattern to you. Oh what fun it was to read all the comments about my quilts. I really loved Nancy Sue's comment about keeping her foot on her sewing machine pedal for good luck. Thanks to all who participated!! Keep posted because I have another fun sale on the way. I'm going to be adding more patterns on my Etsy shop, so if you didn't win, you can always buy. Thanks for following and have a great day!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It's Contest Time!!!
It's time to have our very first contest. Are ya'll ready??? Good! This is going to be easy. We are starting right now. What I want ya'll to do is tell me which is your favorite Ribbon Candy Quilt and why. Then on Aug 11th, next Wednesday, I will randomly choose a winner. The winner will then receive the quilt pattern, absolutely FREE, that they chose as their favorite. OK? So start thinking and get your vote in now. Just respond with a comment. Thanks and have fun!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fruitcake anyone???
Very Merry again.... Here it is in the Fruitcake line. The picture of course doesn't do it justice. I have to say that any line works for this quilt.. I hope ya'll have had a good week and are keeping cool. The summer is slipping by so quickly. My kids start school in 3 weeks, I can't believe it! I think I'm ready for it. I know that I will have 2 1/2 hours everyday all to myself, and you better believe it, I will be sewing!!!. My baby is starting kindergarten. I have some fun ideas in the works and am anxious to sew more. Until next time, still sewing and happy
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Utah Valley Quilt Guild Fair
Thanksgiving Skinnies... Hooray!!!!
Seasonal Skinnies,
Thanksgiving Skinnies
Add a little spice to your life...
Pumpkin Spice that is. Finally you can see what I've been raving about all this time. This was also shown for the first time at the fair. I taught a class yesterday and showed the quilters there how I did my foundation piecing on "Pumpkin Spice". They were interested and liked what they saw. I have to say this is one of my favorites. I have always loved fall time and the colors that we are blessed to see. I made this whole quilt, back included with fabric from my stash. So go pull out all your yummy fall fabrics and make yours today. Corn Wagon Quilt Co. has this on display also.
from the stash,
jelly roll,
Pumpkin Spice
Park Avenue
Now showing in all quilt shops! OK, maybe someday. Here it is "Park Avenue"!!!! It debuted yesterday at the Utah Valley Quilt Guild fair. Oh it was fun being there and meeting all the great quilters, designers and shop owners!! My daugther was there with me and we had a wonderful time. I was really good and only bought one piece of fabric. To see it in person stop on by Corn Wagon Quilt Company in Springville UT.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Time flies!!!
Hey out there! I realized that It has been over a week since I have posted. Time is flying at my house. Summer is happening too fast. I'm getting ready for the Utah Valley Quilt Guild fair, which is on the 21st. I have been printing tons of patterns and making sure I don't forget anything. 3 new patterns will be released that day. I can't wait!!! They will be posted on the 22nd. Also some exciting news, "Stitching It Up" in Cedar City is having my trunk show starting July 26. Super excited to be in their shop. I'm even making a "Very Merry" sample for them. It's out of the Basic Grey line "Fruitcake". Something great about "Very Merry", is that, you can use just about any fabric line and it will be gorgeous. I will post the "Fruitcake" one when I have it done. Well hope ya'll have a great weekend filled with family and fun. Until next time, busy, happy and sewing!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Lost Marbles gone baby size
I found my marbles! I just love to say that. My kids really think I've lost it. So what do ya think?? Cute huh? I just love it. I realized that I forgot to post this a few days ago. So here it is. The fabric line is "Love U' by Moda. Even though as stinkin' cute as it is, it wasn't moving to well ... so I decided that making a baby Lost Marbles would help it. The quilt is hanging up in Gracie Lou's quilt shop in Salem, Ut. The whole fabric line was directional prints. I think using the directional fabrics in all different directions is a fun way to use them.
Hope ya'll had a great 4th!
The 4th has come and gone by golly! I can't believe that we're in July already. Spent time with my family being outside and enjoy the nice warm weather. Had a great BBQ and even set off a few fireworks. I was able to get some quilting done too. It wouldn't be a complete week with out it, right? I got Pumpkin Spice back from Brandy, my quilter, she again did a great job! It's bound and ready for release at the July Quilt Fair. My Thanksgiving Skinnies are almost done and wait till you see the turkey! I'm so excited to post them. Keep in touch.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Very Merry Again ....
This fabric inspired me to create this quilt, 12 Days of Christmas, by Kate Spain of Moda. I was able to design it in a couple of hours and sewing it up went so fast I couldn't believe it. I love the poinsettias they just scream Christmas, which by the way my kids reminded me today it's only 5 months away. I also re-created the vines and holly leaves too. Like I said, I loved this quilt so much I had to make another. This quilt is quilted in green thread. I have say, that when Brandy told me green would look best, I was nervous, but I shall never doubt again. It is beautiful!!!! This quilt will be hanging in Gracie Lou's quilt shop in Salem, UT if ya'll happen to stop by.
Until next! Sewing and happy.
Very Merry is Here!!!!
Here it is! I got this back from Brandy this morning and I just LOVE it This is a shop sample for Cotton Shop in Provo. When I saw this fabric , Home for the Holidays, by Henry Glass, I knew I had to make Very Merry again. Tell me what you think. Thanks Brandy for doing another amazing job quilting!!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Coastal Skinnies
Anna in IL, you asked about where to buy the Coastal Skinnies. Sometimes I forget to post some of the newer patterns. I will post those on my Etsy shop for you. I hope you will enjoy them. Thanks and happy sewing!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Grounded for sewing...
It's been crazy! Just like everyone else, I'm running a hundred miles an hour trying to get everything done. I decided I had to ground myself from sewing so I could clean house and do laundry. Yep, I did it. I got the house clean, laundry caught up, grocery shopping done, bedding changed, pack night attended and errands run. Yippe! That was earlier this week, so now I can report that I have made 2 other quilts. Very Merry, my latest creation is going to be quilted this week and ready to be posted right after. I did it in two different fabric lines, Kate Spain's, "12 days of Christmas" and Henry Glass line, "Home for the Holidays" I love them both. I will also be posting "Pumpkin Spice" my new fall one as soon as I get it back from the quilters.
Now I'm designing a Thanksgiving Skinnies. I hope to unveil them at the July Quilt Guild Fair in Provo on July 21st. Hope to see ya'll there. Until next time, happy and sewing (in a clean house)
Now I'm designing a Thanksgiving Skinnies. I hope to unveil them at the July Quilt Guild Fair in Provo on July 21st. Hope to see ya'll there. Until next time, happy and sewing (in a clean house)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Where to buy???
Just to let you know, you can buy directly from me. Just go to my Etsy shop and purchase there. Thanks so much for all the comments on Rough and Tumble. Ya'll are great and it's fun to blog with you. TO go to Etsy, just click on the Seasonal Skinnies 1 picture next to my post and it will take you right to it. I have just added a few more quilt patterns, so happy shopping. Still quilting, tired but happy!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Rough and Tumble, for the boys
For those wonderful little boys in our lives! After making Happily Ever After, I got a lot of request for a boy quilt. It took awhile for me to get the images just the way I wanted them, but I finally did. I really enjoy doing applique' because there are no boundries in what you can create. Until next time, still quilting and happy...
Sassafras, don't ya'll just love it!!!

This quilt has been in my head for almost a year, can ya believe it! I finally found the fabrics I wanted to use and here is the finished product. Not to mention the quilting by Brandie, my amazing quilter. She echoed all the flowers so they really stand out. It's just gorgeous in person. To see it go to the Provo Cotton Shop and you will, it's there until the 28th of June. I loved making this one so much that I had to make another. I searched through my stash, and found an older Kansas Trouble line and did up a twin size Sassafras. It was fun to see the difference the fabrics make. Let me know what ya'll think!
Every Day Skinnies
Seasonal Skinnies 5 is here

I can't stop making these, I keep getting more and more ideas. I noticed that shamrocks were hard to find, I made some for everyone. Since I love Halloween, I find ways to make more things for it. The star is so versatile that I could redo it in Christmas colors, or Patriotic fabrics. I just love skinnies!
Keep Watching more to come...
Oh my gosh!! I just finished another quilt last night. It is with fall colors and is gorgeous!!!! My newest creation will be posted soon. I will also have to show you some of the fabrics for my next project. I am going to be posting a bunch of my current quilts later today, so check back and see what you like. Very exciting news --The Cotton Shop in Provo, Utah has my trunk show right now until June 28th. They are just wonderful people at that store. Very friendly and helpful. So when in Provo, stop by and say Hi! Post ya'll later! Have a great day and thanks for all your comments.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Here's one of the lastest - Twist & Turn

fat quarter,
from the stash,
Twist and Turn
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thanks !!!
Wow! Everyone is so awesome. Thanks to Crazy Old Ladies for directing ya'll here. Emily is great and helped me with updating my blog. I just got a quilt back from my quilter and it's perfect. As soon as I have it bound I will post it. It's black and white with a touch of pink. I think ya'll will like it. Thanks for the comments on Happily Ever After and Lost Marbles. I need to post Rough & Tumble the boy quilt so ya'll can see it too. Keep watching for more to come in the next couple of days. I'm getting ready for a trunk show for our states annual Shop Hop. It will be so cool. But for now eating, sleeping and sewing quilts -
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Seasonal Skinnies 4
Seasonal Skinnies 3
Seasonal Skinnies 2
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