Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer projects

With the summer half over, and my list of summer projects still huge, I may have to re-think what  can get done this year.  Let's suspend reality for just a second,  how cool would it be to be at least 4 people, one to clean house, one to cook, one to run all the errands and one (that's me) to sew and craft and do all the fun stuff with my family.  Wouldn't that be great!  Think about how about much could be done and how many projects wouldn't end up in the donation box. 
Now back to reality.  Since that's not going to happen, I'll re-visit my list and pick out the ones I want to do most, and leave the rest for later (much later).  Anyone having the same problem, so many projects so little time?  Let me know so I don't feel like to only one.  Please share!!


  1. I have so much to do that I think it will be November before it's all done. I just wish the list would get finished before something else is added.....except for the sewing and I always want to add to that list!

  2. I feel your pain! I finished one thing so far and that was way back in June. Everything since has all been new projects lol.
