Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome blog hoppers!

Welcome to Quiltmaker 100 Blocks Vol 7
Don't you just love these!!  They have the best blocks with tons of variety.  I love to go through them and plan all kinds of cute quilts, table runners and mug rugs.
The great thing about this issue, is I'm in it!!!
It's just so cool to be included with all these talented quilters.
I would like to share with you the block that I did for this issue.
It's called "Sweet Peas"
Yep, it's on front cover (grin) just above the "C".  With Spring in full swing, this block would be perfect for table runners for that garden party you are planning or super cute for the baby that's their way.  Change the color of flower for each block.  You can also make the corner colors all different.  Play with it and have fun.
It's time to give away a free issue!
Play with us and you could win.
Leave a comment and tell me what your favorite flower is.
A winner will randomly be chosen on this Saturday, May 4
I love most all flowers, but a couple of my favorites are
tulips, pansies and sweet peas.
Happy Spring!


  1. Silly I know, but I have a soft spot for carnations. In a garden, I love peonies!! Congrats on being published!

  2. There are so many pretty flowers- tulips, roses, violets!? My favourite is the cornflower!

  3. Really hard to choose but I love to see snowdrops appear in Spring.

  4. Sweet peas are my favourite flower - although I like anything with a fragrance!

  5. I love just about all flowers! I really like begonias and iris peonies! Your block looks old-fashioned and I really like it! I especially love the fact that it is a pieced block! Piecing is my favorite technique!! Congratulations on having your block published! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Volume 7!!

  6. I think Gerber Daisies are gorgeous! I just bought a planter full over the weekend -- I hope I don't kill them!

  7. I like anything that comes to me in a vase. Outside in the yard, my favorites are geraniums and verbenas.

  8. Nothing makes me happier than a single daisy growing in my garden!

  9. I love seeing all the different flowers but my favorites are daisies, yellow roses and columbine. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

  10. Congratulations on being part of this issue! Your block is adorable and for some of us who have been wondering if spring would ever come, it's a welcome sight.

  11. Gardenias are my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway

  12. Sweet peas. I grew up with them in the backyard and still love the colours and smell.

  13. sue I. at gardenchic at hotmail dot comMay 1, 2013 at 4:54 AM

    zinnias I am always trying different colors

  14. Love your flower block! My favorite flowers are pansies and purple coneflowers and violets. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. I love lilacs! They have a very short life in bloom so I enjoy them whenever I can. Thanks sew much for this chance to win :-D

  16. Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. I probably should have named my daughter Daisy.

  17. Daisies and roses are my favorites! Cute block too.

  18. My favorite flower is the beautiful simple daisy. Thanks.

  19. I love this block! I like to use floral designs and/or fabrics when I make a quilt. My favorite flowers are pansies, tulips, and roses.

  20. Love! Love! Love! I love flowers!!! Daisies and pansies are my favorites. I simply cannot hardly wait to make this block!!!!

  21. I love lavender, especially with roses, but I have to pick one!

  22. I love tulips ...a sign of spring!

  23. Congrats on your block in 100 Blocks. But then, why am I not surprised. Your patterns are all so cute. I love flowers as well and have always wanted to make a bright sunflower quilt.

  24. Daisies! All kinds of daisies! Love them all.

  25. My favourites are irises. They come in so many beautiful colour combinations.

  26. Sweet Peas has to be the neatest block ever. Can't wait to make it, but I really do need a copy of QM 100 Blocks Volume 7 to get the instructions to make this block. My favorite flowers are yellow roses. Just so darn beautiful. Speaking of flowerss, do you know which flower speaks to you? If you really think about spring flowers, you just might come up with the answer. Give? OK the answer is TuLips. Cute, huh? Thank you for the chance to win.

    Sandi Timmons

  27. Your block is perfect for spring flowers! Can't wait to get the magazine! fave flower is Shasta Daisy.

  28. Camellias. Happened upon a forest of them in NC and I've never forgotten it.

  29. My favorite flowers are orchids. I have been collecting them and love all of the different colors when they are in bloom.

  30. I am a tulip girl. My bucket list includes a trip to Amsterdam Holland, just to see the tulips.

  31. I love a mixed batch of any flower.... but especially the ones hubby sends when he is away

  32. My favorite flowers are irises but my husband used to call me Sweat Pea! This is a very pretty block!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  33. My favorite flowers are roses. But I LOVE your sweet pea!!

  34. such a pretty block.
    I love most all flowers.
    but some of my favorites are:
    tulips, daisy's, carnations

  35. Love your block! My favorite flowers are peonies.

  36. I love the smell of sweet peas and the sunflower is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

  37. My favorite flowers - morning glory, iris, lavender, lilac - most anything in the white, blue, and purple family! Beautiful block. Cindy W. at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

  38. I love roses. They are beautiful, easy to care for and smell so good. I love cutting them to bring inside the house to enjoy! Thank you for your Sweet Pea block!

  39. I love all flowers but a favorite is alstroemeria. Can I include the flowering crab apple tree? Mine should be blooming fairly soon.

  40. Lilacs--love their fragrance. Your block really brings in spring.

  41. Cool - a pieced flower. This one I could make!

  42. Roses! I love your flower block. Lots of color possibilities

  43. Roses are my favorite even if I struggle to grow them. This block is wonderful.

  44. I love the daffodils and also mums in the fall. Pretty flower block. It would make a really nice spring or summer quilt.

  45. My favorite flower is the Gardenia. Your block is very nice and I can think of alot of ways to use it.

  46. My favorite flower is Daisies! Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. Very cute block...congrats on being in the magazine and also for making the cover..what fun. My favorite flower is a rose....I have about six rose bushes and all different colors. They have been blooming for the past few weeks. I always have loved that saying that you need to always take time in your life to Stop and Smell the Roses. Thank you for the chance to win.

  48. Congrats for being on the front cover...woot woot..I love all flowers so it is hard to pick just one...Thanks for the chance to win.....

  49. My favorite flowers are tulips (must be my Dutch heritage) and daisies. We plant a wild flower mix in our flower gardens - to me it's like a scrappy quilt...an explosion of color!

  50. I love morning glories. Beautiful block, love the pretty pink.

  51. I really like this block, can definitely see it as a crib quilt. I don't have a favourite flower, but I love trailing ivy vines.

  52. Very pretty block! My favorite flower is a rose, and a close second is the little flowers on impatients. Thanks for sharing a copy of 100 Blocks.

  53. I love purple coneflowers!

  54. My favorite flower is the dahlia. I just love all the beautiful colors and long-lasting blooms in my garden. Congrats on your block!

  55. My absolute favorite flower is the lilac. I'm bummed because mine are already done blooming for the season. Thanks for the great block design and the chance to win!

  56. Lovely block. My favorite flowers are delphiniums.

  57. Peony's.. and mine are setting blooms on now ..

    your block is adorable.. I call my grandchildren Sweet peas.. so might have to do this one..

  58. My favorite flower is a Carnation!

  59. Cute flower block! My favorite flower is Forget-me-not.

  60. Sweet blcok!
    I love Hydrangeas, Gerber Daisies, and Peonys:)

  61. Oh my goodness! Favorite flower? I adore wildflowers but to choose one among them? That is a hard thing to do! I think it has to be Indian Paintbrushes. :-)

  62. My absolute favorite flower is the Iris. But they do not bloom long enough.I love flowers and most of my quilts are floral.I should be working on my flower beds right now.

  63. the flower is so pretty-thank you for a chance to win

  64. My favorite flower is the lilac. Congrats on being included in this issue.

  65. My favorite flower is the IRIS, in all colors blooming right now in my gardens. Great block, can't wait to see the issue.

  66. Tulips! Congrats to you and thanks for the chance to win.

  67. I think my favorite flower has to be the crocus because seeing them pop up in my garden means spring is near and winter is almost over!

  68. My favorite flower is the carnation. I can hardly wait for spring to get here so I can see some flowers.

  69. I just love Lilacs... my favorite flower.. the scent is WOW!! just amazing

  70. My favorite flower is the iris..also I like orchids , because right now I have two that are flowering....thank you martamanole@yahoo.com

  71. My favorite flower is the rose. So many colors and heavenly scent!

  72. I love your Sweet Peas block. I too love flowers. Iris, roses, dahlias, daisies, portulacas, and marigolds are just some of my favorites. I think I like them all.

  73. What a cute block and on the cover too! I like begonias...all different colors. Now if spring would hurry up and get to Alaska, I could put my plants outside and they could bloom...just like your lovely block.

  74. My favorite flower is a sweet smelling rose. It has to be very fragrant. I do not like roses with no fragrance.

  75. I like roses, especially yellow ones. Your sweetpea would make a lovely baby quilt!

  76. My favorite flower is a yellow rose. With a purple Iris coming in at a close second. I love your block. Congrats.

  77. Cute block! Congratulations on being included in the magazine. My favorite flower is the Gardenia. I love their scent. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

  78. My favorite flower would be Calla Lily. Freesia is a very very close second though.


  79. Daisies are my favorite. An easy flower to add to a quilt.

  80. Irises are my favorite flower.

  81. ROSES are my Favorite. They remind me of my parents. Mom loved them, daddy grew them. Cute Block. Congrats on making the cover of the issue. Thanks for a chance to WIN.

  82. Pansies & grape hyacinths are my favorites. Love your block. Thanks.

  83. My favorite is the Peony hands down! Gorgeous flower- I HAD to have them at my wedding, even in the off season- December- ha! Somehow, I WAS able to get them! Thanks for the chance to win!

  84. Carnations are my favorite but, I love most flowers. Great block! ;-> Toni Anne

  85. My favorite flower is a purple coneflower. Not only are the pretty to look at, they also feed the birds. Thanks for a chance at winning. Hugs

  86. Lily of the Valley would be my favorite, but I love all flowers. Love your block. So many possibilities!

  87. Kaye M. tkmattson@hotmail.comMay 1, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    I'm a flower lover too, my most favorite is the hydrangea but any flower makes me smile!

  88. I love my Grecian windflowers. They're some of the first to pop up in the spring.

  89. I just love roses - pink, red, yellow any color. My front yard has quite a few rose bushes. That was the first thing I planted when I built my home 27 years ago and they are still blooming strong. Thanks for the opportunity to tell you.

  90. i like roses, the dubble white i like most

    i like the book

  91. I love the smell of sweet peas! Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. Love your block, Congrats. Thanks. I like all kinds of flowers too but I really like lilac and iris.

  93. Lovely block, makes me think spring. Roses are my favorite flower weather they are included in quilts or the real deal. Thanks for sharing.

  94. Congratulations on your block being published. It's lovely. I'm torn between roses and lilacs. I love them both and have many of each in my yard.

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  95. Lilacs have my favorite fragrance; they'll be blooming soon. Visually, I really like windflowers.


  96. my favorite flower is lilacs. They smell so wonderful. Sweet block!

  97. Yellow Roses, they remind me of my mom.

  98. I love roses! Any color, but the ones that have more than one color are so pretty! Great block!

  99. Nice block and Sweet Peas are my favorite flower. In all their pretty colors, it would make a awesome quilt. Thanks for haring.

  100. I have always been partial to cornflowers, just because they are a great blue. Iris a close second.

  101. wow, I like flowers in my garden (now best Aurinia saxatilis, also Alyssum saxatile, which is now blooming). This one of yours is great.

  102. Love your block, I can see me using it. I like gladiolas.

  103. Me encantas tu bloque y mi flor favorita es la margarita.

  104. My favorite flowers to see are violets, pansies, and Johnny Jump Ups. My favorite flowers to make in quilts are daisies and roses.

  105. i'm still waiting for my daffs and tulips to bloom ... my fave flowers and they're only half grown, when they should be nodding in the breeze by now.

  106. Very bright and spring-like block! Green is probably my favorite color, with orange a close second!

  107. I love flowers, but to choose a favorite... tulips, jonquils, daffodils, iris. I really like your block!

  108. Congrats on being a cover girl! Right now, I would love to putting my nose in a peony, but with our endless winter in MN, it won't be happening any time soon!

  109. Flowers! love them :) Especially tulips, marigolds and sweet william.

  110. Congratulations! Isn't this fun? I love, love, love the blog tour. My favorite flower is the Iris. Have a super day!

  111. I love roses. Congratulations on your block!

  112. I love jonquils - they are one of the first flowers to push through the soil in early spring. I like the smell of them, too. We kids used to pick them out of the yard and take them in the house to Mom. She was great to put any "flower" we brought to her in a vase and put it on the dining room table.
    I love your block. Seeing it on the front cover at more of a distance than looking at it on my laptop gives another perspective of it. Congrats for acceptance into a great magazine. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

  113. I am loving your blog! Your block is so bright and springy! Just they thing for a kind of dreary day here.

  114. "Congratulations!" Our Aunt Nellie also liked
    Sweet Peas. We had a row of them on the East side of the garage and on the South side of the
    dog pen. My favorite flowers are the antique
    pansies. I have them planted on the deck just
    outside of this window.

  115. Hi!!! Very sweet block!!!! I love daisies and sweet peas!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!

  116. Wow! Congratulations being on the front cover and right at the very top. How fun.
    Great looking block you have made. My favorite flower is the Blue Iris, although some day I'll figure out why it's called 'blue' when it looks much more purple than blue. LOL Second to those are lilacs because of the wonderful scent they have and each Spring my entire home is filled with the lilac scent because I have about 90 feet accross the entire front of my property from one end to the other with lilac bushes. They are just gorgeous. I wish both of these lasted much longer than they do however. Why can't they last like those horrid dandelions? LOL

  117. Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers. I also have to say roses and tulips. Thanks for sharein

  118. My favorite flowers are Johnny-Jumpups...more commonly known as violas...I love the various colors and mine grow again from year to year...Thanks for the opportunity to win!!

    Karen / mija314@yahoo.com

  119. My favorite flower is the peony. My mom had these all over the yard when I was little

  120. I love Yellow Roses. Very pretty block

  121. I love deep purple irises. My grandmother had them in her front yard. Special memories! Love your block!"

  122. Congrats on being published in the magazine. I like most all flowers, but my fav is the daisy.

  123. I love petunias! This block could easily be a petunia too!

  124. Oh goodness - favorite flower - anything that blooms and has a fragrance! I love roses, hyacinths, sweet peas...I could go on and on!

  125. Love your block! Love that it is pieced, but looks like applique! My favorite flower is the hydrangea:)

  126. My second hobby is floral art so the list of favourite flowers is really long. Roses have fantastic colour and fragrance, gerberas for amazing colour and daisies for their simple form and I could go on.....

  127. I really like this block. My favorite flowers are carnations, especially red ones.

  128. my favorite is the wisteria

  129. I love Lilacs and Iris'. I may use this to make a tote for my favorite flower loving friend. Can't wait.

  130. My favorite flower is a yellow daffodil. They begin Spring for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

  131. My favorite flower is Tulips. Thanks!

  132. Great block. I'm fond of lily of the valley & zinnias. ll_gee at hotmail

  133. I love poppies! Thanks for the chance!

  134. I'm a traditional sort of person and a red red rose is my favorite flower, although any rose will do

  135. Lilacs...and Lily of the Valley... and bright yellow daffodils to welcome in spring (my garden is full of them right now!)

  136. Right now the peonies in my garden are starting to emerge out of the ground. I am very excited to see them bloom. However, later in the summer, the sweet peas on the trellis will be welcomed too. Congratulations on being published and thank you for the chance to win!

  137. Probably my favorite flower is the wild chicory with blue flowers that blooms midsummer along roadsides. I love that shade of blue and love seeing the touch of color as we travel along rural roads.

  138. Congratulations on being a cover girl! Your block is lovely and there are so many ways we can play with it. :-) I love yellow daisies - when I was little my mother once made me a lemon birthday cake which she decorated with yellow daisies from the garden.
    Thanks to you for bringing a sweet memory to mind.

  139. My favorite flower is the purple iris which is the Tennessee state flower. I live in NY but can't resist anything with an iris on it because it reminds me of home!

  140. Daisies have been my favorite flowers, ever since I was a little girl. :-)

  141. I love all flowers, with all their bright yummy colors, but I think one of my favorites is the Iris. Your block is lovely.

  142. Love the sweet pea block, beautiful!!

  143. My favorite flower is the rose. I had a distant relative who would breed roses. He taught me quite an appreciation for them.

  144. My favorite today is the pansy. We're appreciating it's hardiness as we get ready for some snow to fall tonight here in MN.

  145. Oh, I just love your block - and sweet peas are my birth month flower (April). I will definitely be making this! My favorite flower is pretty much anything pink - but I just love the carnations for their scent - that spicy smell is my favorite. I love roses outside to look at, but in the house the smell bothers me too much.

  146. I have to go with the daffodil and tulips which announce the end of winter and promise spring and warmer weather.
    Congrats on having your block published!

  147. I LOVE Hydrangeas! I really like Peony's too, the pale pink ones with the oh so lovely scent. Congrats on your block and thanks for a chance to win.

  148. This is a fabulous block with so many possibilities! My favourite flowers are daisies & carnations. Thanks so much for a chance at the give-away!
    mgw070 at shaw dot ca

  149. Oh my that is a hard question to answer, I love all flowers. Right now my house is filled with lilacs, my red tulips are thru blooming for the year. I love the rose the best if I had to choose. Thanks for the chance at the give-away.

  150. Congratulations on having your Vol. 7! My favorite flower is the Peony.

  151. I am a rose girl. Thank you for sharing with us. :)

  152. My favorite flowers are roses. They are classics for a reason. :)

  153. My favorite flower is a carnation, but I do love old fashioned sweet peas too. "Sweet Pea" is what I call my granddaughter!

  154. My favorite flower is the daffodil which are blooming in my yard right now! I am working on a small fusible project that features daffodils right now.

  155. sweet block :) my favourite flower is the gerbra - such happy smiley faces - thanks for the giveaway

  156. Me, too; I love flowers. Right now, with my tulips and daffodils in bloom, they are my favorites!! Give me a couple of weeks and the peonies will be blooming and they will move to the top! :) Sweet blooming block; I love the idea of using different colors for the flower.

  157. My favorites are hellebores, perennial geraniums, and chrysanthemums.

  158. My favorite flower is the Stargazer Lily! :)

  159. Iris are my favorite flowers.

  160. Sitting here in the middle of a spring snow storm, I am even happy to see dandelions, but I prefer lilacs, hoping they have survived our cold spring.

  161. Love it, I can see it set on-point with narrow sashing and cornerstones.

  162. I will be making your block. This looks like a great, beautiful stash buster. Good job. Thank you!

  163. Favorite flower??? That's hard! My grandmother owned a nursery and I've tried to decide all my life. I love the blossoms on dogwood trees, wild roses, four o'clocks and magnolia blossoms (for their perfume). It's just too hard to name a favorite. All flowers are a treasure!

  164. my favorite flower is Stargazer lily, I also love my roses, and right now the orange trees are in flower and my yard smells amazing because of the fruit trees..

  165. My favorite flower is the daisy. Your Sweat Peas block is beautiful! Thank you! anglanouette(at)gmail(dot)com

  166. A pink rose. Thanks for the giveaway!

  167. I love sunflowers, especially in quilting since they are easy for me to make, lol.
    Your flower is beautiful and I can imagine doing a while quilt with them.


  168. Such a cute block! Congratulations on having your block in thus year's 100. I like sweet peas as well as forget me nots along with Alaska fireweed. It might really be a weed but its big and beautiful! hehe.

    Thank you and Quiltmaker for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  169. Congrats on having your cute block in the magazine & one the cover!! I love sunflowers - they're just so warm & happy-looking. Thanks for the chance to win a magazine.

  170. Gladiolus is my favorite flower. It happens to be my birth month flower and I carried white ones for my wedding. Cute block!

  171. Congratulations on having your block in the book and on the cover! My favorite flowers are Irises, morning glories and roses. But I can't think of a flower I don't like.

  172. My favorite flowers are lilacs. Wish I could find a way to quilt them! Just love your block...maybe some purple fabric...

  173. My favorite flower is the hyacinth.

  174. Carnations,geraniums, roses...love them all! Flowers in quilts--- wow!

  175. My favorite flowers are yellow daisies.

  176. Congratulations on making the cover! My favorite flower is the lupine, preferably the deep purple.

  177. Love your sweet pea block. My favorite flower is the lilac. Thanks for the chance to win.


  178. my favorite flowers are gardenias and carnations, but your sweet pea reminds me of the sweet peas in my bridal bouquet ! I will need to do your sweet pea in purple, because purple is my favorite color and purple sweet peas were in my bouquet.

  179. Congratulations, I see your block up there! Very nice!

  180. My fave flower is prb the tulip. Although I like any blossoming flower! Congrats on Sweet Peas!

  181. My favorite flower is a rose.

  182. I've always loved tulips. I think it's because of the time of year they bloom in northern California

  183. My favorite flower is a rose. An old fashioned, smell good rose.
