Thursday, December 30, 2010

Frosty windows and icy roads

Hello from the world of snow. We've had a ton of snow and ice. Our record so far this winter has been 22" in 24 hours. I love to see the trees covered in snow and all crystallized looking. So I am staying home and sewing and planning new quilts. I also got the cleaning bug, so I have been staying up late and going through boxes and cleaning out drawers. School is still out so kids are getting restless because it's just to stinking cold to be outside. I'm looking forward to the new year and what fun lies ahead. Be careful and safe as you celebrate. Blog to you soon. Until then be happy, life is a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I feel yoru pain. My 4 1/2 year old has been bundling herself up and going outide, sometimes with a quilt and she just sits in our camp chair that's out ther e(the bench is too cold she told me) and talkign to the animals and snowflakes and whate4ver else a four year old can talk to. my 17 month old however is getting cabin fever too but doesnt like to go out, bundled or not!
